Name: Parque Nacional y Área Natural de Manejo Integrado Madidi (PNAMI Madidi).
Created on September 21, 1995.
Superficie: 1.895.750 ha (18.957,5 km2).
Location: western of La Paz department, Franz Tamayo and Iturralde provinces.
Small mammals
Small mammals accounted for the majority of new mammal records registered by Identidad Madidi. Pre-expedition studies on bats identified a baseline of 68 species. Using a combination of assessment methods, a total of 83 bat species were recorded during Identidad Madidi, of which 35 are new records for the park and 3 are new to Bolivia. It is possible that two of these records are new species for science: Sturnira sp. nov. e Histiotus sp. Currently, the list of confirmed bats for Madidi totals 103 species.
En cuanto a los pequeños mamíferos terrestre, antes de la expedición se tenían reportadas 25 especies. En los tres años de estudio se identificaron 74 especies, de los cuales 53 fueron nuevas para el parque, aumentando a 79 la lista de especies, y cuatro de las cuales son candidatas para la ciencia. Algunas de de las especies reportadas por primera vez en Madidi fueron: Chinchillula sahamae, observed in the Yungas and high Andean páramo habitats; Nectomys apicalis, an aquatic rat from the piedmont forest of the upper Madidi; Dactylomys boliviensis, a bamboo rat of the Mamacona montane forest; the four-eyed opossum, Philander canus, and another opossum Cryptonanus unduaviensis, both species recorded in the Heath grasslands; and the second record for Bolivia of Lestoros inca, a treeline forest marsupial.
Medium and large-sized mammals
In the three years of Identidad Madidi sampling, 14 new records were obtained for the park, representing a 24% increase over the baseline. The baseline before the expedition was 59 species, which increased to 73 confirmed species of medium and large mammals with the new records generated during the expedition, including species of conservation relevance, such as the Andean cat (Leopardus jacobita), the pampas cat (Leopardus garleppi) and the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna).
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Name: Parque Nacional y Área Natural de Manejo Integrado Madidi (PNAMI Madidi).
Created on September 21, 1995.
Superficie: 1.895.750 ha (18.957,5 km2).
Location: western of La Paz department, Franz Tamayo and Iturralde provinces.
Habitats: high Andean wetlands and grasslands, dry forests, mountain savannas, montane forests, Amazonian forests and flooded savannas.
Plants: 40 % of the Bolivian flora and 3 % of the planet.
Vertebrados: 66 % de los vertebrados de Bolivia y 3,7 % del mundo.
Protected endangered species: Andean bear, jaguar, river otter, marsh deer, manned wolf, spider monkey, whooly monkey, Andean condor, harpy eagle, palkachupa, black caiman, turtle
Related indigenous territories: Tacana, Uchupiamonas, Lecos de Apolo and Lecos de Larecaja.
Communities: 31 communities of Tacana, Leco, Quechua and Aymara families.