Name: Parque Nacional y Área Natural de Manejo Integrado Madidi (PNAMI Madidi).
Created on September 21, 1995.
Superficie: 1.895.750 ha (18.957,5 km2).
Location: western of La Paz department, Franz Tamayo and Iturralde provinces.
The amphibian surveys in Madidi increased the species list by 29% over the baseline prior to Identidad Madidi (86 species). A total of 25 new records were obtained at the 15 expedition sites, increasing the confirmed list to 111 species, of which 10 are candidates as new species for science.
Name: Parque Nacional y Área Natural de Manejo Integrado Madidi (PNAMI Madidi).
Created on September 21, 1995.
Superficie: 1.895.750 ha (18.957,5 km2).
Location: western of La Paz department, Franz Tamayo and Iturralde provinces.
Habitats: high Andean wetlands and grasslands, dry forests, mountain savannas, montane forests, Amazonian forests and flooded savannas.
Plants: 40 % of the Bolivian flora and 3 % of the planet.
Vertebrados: 66 % de los vertebrados de Bolivia y 3,7 % del mundo.
Protected endangered species: Andean bear, jaguar, river otter, marsh deer, manned wolf, spider monkey, whooly monkey, Andean condor, harpy eagle, palkachupa, black caiman, turtle
Related indigenous territories: Tacana, Uchupiamonas, Lecos de Apolo and Lecos de Larecaja.
Communities: 31 communities of Tacana, Leco, Quechua and Aymara families.