Entries by Identidad Madidi

Expedition Scientists in Bolivia Discover Seven Animal Species New to Science In World’s Most Biodiverse Protected Area

Scientists on an expedition through Madidi National Park—the world’s most biologically diverse protected area— have now discovered seven animal species new to science, finds that were made in 2015 and recently confirmed through careful comparisons with known species, according to the WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and local partners. Lee la nota completa en el siguiente […]

Seven new animal species discovered in Bolivia

Scientists have discovered seven new animal species in Bolivia’s Madidi National Park. The finds, which include three frogs, three lizards and one catfish, were made last year and have now been confirmed as new to science. Experts made careful comparison with known species, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society and its local partners. Lee la nota […]

Madidi, santuario de mariposas

En junio de 2015, una expedición formada por una veintena de científicos partió hacia al Parque Nacional Madidi con una gran misión: incrementar los conocimientos sobre especies de esa reserva natural ubicada en el norte de La Paz. Al concluir la primera fase, a fines del año pasado, los resultados son impresionantes. Los investigadores registraron […]

Expedition finds butterfly bonanza in Bolivian national park (PHOTOS)

Scientists on a multi-year expedition in Bolivia’s Madidi National Park have recorded nearly a thousand species of butterflies – with many more expected to come. Madidi National Park sits along Bolivia’s northern border with Peru. Referred to as potentially the most biodiverse protected area in the world, Madidi spans a gamut of different landscapes – […]


Bolivia’s Madidi National Park is rich with wildlife—birds of many stripes, mammals large and small, reptiles, fish, and a stunning array of butterflies. Thanks to the Identidad Madidi expedition, a multi-institutional effort to describe still unknown species in the park and to showcase its wonders, we now know of a staggering 1,080 varieties of butterfly living […]