Entries by Identidad Madidi

Mini frog, bat with freakish tongue found in Bolivia

A «robber frog» with beady, gold-rimmed eyes and a bizarre bat with a record-long tongue are among the menagerie of species discovered during an expedition in Bolivia. The slick, earth-hued robber frog, or big-headed frog, was spotted during the first leg of the 18-month-long expedition to explore Bolivia’s Madidi National Park, considered the world’s most biologically […]

Mini frog and bat with freakish tongue found in Bolivia

A «robber frog» with beady, gold-rimmed eyes and a bizarre bat with a record-long tongue are among the menagerie of species discovered during an expedition in Bolivia. The slick, earth-hued robber frog, or big-headed frog, was spotted during the first leg of the 18-month-long expedition to explore Bolivia’s Madidi National Park, considered the world’s most biologically diverse […]

Nectar Bat With Insanely Long Tongue Found in Bolivia

The tube-lipped nectar bat, Anoura fistulata, has the longest tongue relative to size of any mammal on the planet. It stretches for 8.5 centimeters (more than 3 inches) – that’s 150% of its body length. The bizarre, record-breaking bat was first described in Ecuador a decade ago and is only known from three records. And now, according to a Wildlife […]

Mini Frog, Bat with Freakish Tongue Found in Bolivia

A «robber frog» with beady, gold-rimmed eyes and a bizarre bat with a record-long tongue are among the menagerie of species discovered during an expedition in Bolivia. The slick, earth-hued robber frog, or big-headed frog, was spotted during the first leg of the 18-month-long expedition to explore Bolivia’s Lee la nota completa en el siguiente […]

Mini Frog, Bat with Freakish Tongue Found in Bolivia

A «robber frog» with beady, gold-rimmed eyes and a bizarre bat with a record-long tongue are among the menagerie of species discovered during an expedition in Bolivia. The slick, earth-hued robber frog, or big-headed frog, was spotted during the first leg of the 18-month-long expedition to explore Bolivia’s Madidi National Park, considered the world’s most […]

Descubrieron un murciélago con una lengua gigantesca

Un equipo de científicos bolivianos ha hallado un insólito murciélago con una particularidad muy llamativa: su lengua mide 8,5 centímetros. Es sin duda la lengua más larga -en relación a su tamaño. entre los mamíferos de la que se tiene constancia hasta ahora.Los expertos descubrieron este extraordinario murciélago en el Parque Nacional Madidi (Bolivia), el […]

‘Gene Simmons’ bat, new frog species discovered

Gene Simmons is still alive and well (somehow), but his spirit is found elsewhere in the animal kingdom. Bolivian scientists on the expedition known as Identidad Madidi have discovered the bat with the longest tongue in Madidi National Park—one of the most diverse areas on Earth—along with a new species of frog. Lee la nota completa en el […]