Alto Madidi
Amazonian foothill forest
Amazonian foothill forest
Amazonian foothill forest (2015)
The sixth study site of the scientific expedition was conducted between October 4th and November 22nd, 2015, in the Amazonian foothill forests of Alto Madidi, which is located between 200 and 500 m a.s.l. The rainfall, ranges between 1,800 and 2,800 mm per year, and allows the development of hemiepiphytic climbers, which are indicators of high rainfall, giving a particularity to the area.
A diverse vegetation includes palm groves, tacuarales, ambaibales, and bibosales, but is dominated by Amazonian terra firme forests and floodplain forests. The upland forest is characterized by moderate to steep slopes, and rocky terrain with several streams. The trees reach 20 m, and the forest floor is characterized by a varied undergrowth and abundant leaf litter. The lowland forest has flooded areas with several streams that flow into the Candelaria and Madidi rivers, the canopy is more open and significantly higher, with little undergrowth.
In total, 355 species of plants, 381 species and subspecies of diurnal butterflies and 524 species of vertebrates were recorded, of which 363 are new species for Madidi, 126 for Bolivia and four possible new records for science.
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