Mid-montane forest (Cargadero, 2016)
Mid-montane forest (Cargadero, 2016)
Mid-montane forest
The ninth study site of the expedition was conducted between September 25th and October 9th, 2016, in the Yungas mid-montane forest, with an altitudinal gradient between 1,700 to 2,700 m a.s.l. The camp was located in the Cargadero area, a three-day hike from the town of Puina, along the bridle path that connects to the town of Mojos.
The mountainous topography has very steep slopes. The montane forests dominate, with a small portion of treeline forest. The lower altitudinal limits from 1,300 to 1,700 m a.s.l. are seasonally humid Yungas forest, and the mid-montane pluvial Yungas forest develops between 1,700 and 2,600 m a.s.l.
In total, 368 plant species, 150 species and subspecies of diurnal butterflies and 197 vertebrate species were recorded, of which 76 are new species for Madidi, 6 for Bolivia and 33 for science.
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