Montane rainforest (Mamacoma, 2016)
Montane rainforest (Mamacoma, 2016)
Montane rainforest
The eighth study site of the expedition was conducted between June 16th and July 7th, 2016, in the pluvial montane forest of Mamacona, in the Yungas between 1,500 and 1,800 m a.s.l. The camp was located on the banks of the Huarajo river, one of the headwaters of the Hondo river.
The landscape is a set of hills, with associated ravines and small rivers. It contains medium-sized trees and very few tall trees, and in the upper hills and on the plateaus, the trees are small. It is characterized by high densities of a palm tree known as tola and the copal tree. In certain sectors there are immense patches of tacuara or bamboo.
In total, 378 plant species, 171 species and subspecies of diurnal butterflies and 239 vertebrate species were recorded, of which 76 are new species for Madidi, one for Bolivia and two for science.
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